Integration Engineer CPI

CEO IT India, Bangalore, Karnataka Full Time Regular
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Integration Engineer CPI Apply for this role

About this position


At Henkel, you can make a difference and craft your career. That’s why you own your projects and take full responsibility from an early stage. Our unique brands in markets around the world open up countless opportunities to follow your convictions and explore new paths. If you have an entrepreneurial mindset that allows you to always think out of the box-take the chance and shape the digital future together with us.


• Implements, documents and operates small to large scale integration solutions on technologies such as SAP Integration Suite, IBM CloudPack for Integration or managed file transfers

• Prototypes, develops, tests and deploys APIs and other web services interfaces (XML/ JSON)

• Performs issue resolution incl. hands on 2nd/3rd level bug fixing, CI/CD and supports achievement of operational KPIs

• Leads small to medium integration projects

• Willingness to continuously learn new paradigms, technologies, and tool to move with Henkel's technology roadmap

• Being an open-minded team player in an international team and ability to cope with complexity and constant change. Is resilient to time-critical tasks and knows how to handle workload. Good command of English written and oral skills.


• Bachelor’s Degree with min 5+ years of relevant IT experience and 3+ years working with cloud platforms

• Has a minimum of 4 year hands-on/operational experience in overall SAP integration solutions (e.g., via iDOC, RFC/BAPI, REST)

• Knowledge of API and/or service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise service bus (ESB) and other integration architectures as applied to the area SAP Integration Suite (formerly SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite) & API Management platforms or IBM AppConnect and MQ

• Knowledge of SFTP/MFT, Swagger, POSTMAN or related tools/products is a nice to have

• Knowledge of integration architecture frameworks (e.g., SAP ISA-M framework).

• Fluent English is a must, Spanish and/or Portuguese is a nice to have

Henkel is an equal opportunity employer. We look for a diverse team of individuals who possess different backgrounds, experiences, personalities and mindsets.

JOB ID: req56924

Job Locations: India, Karnataka, Bangalore

Contact information for application-related questions:

Please do not use this email address for sending your application or CV. To apply, please click on the "Apply for this role" button below. Applications sent via e-mail will not be accepted.

Application Deadline: As long as the vacancy is listed on our Career Site, we are happy to receive your application

Job-Center: If you have an application already, you can create or log in to your account here to check the status of your application. In case of new account creation, please use your email address that you applied with.

Despre Henkel

Pornind de la moștenirea noastră impresionantă de peste 145 de ani, suntem deschizători de drumuri pentru îmbunătățirea vietii, în fiecare zi. Astăzi și pentru generațiile viitoare. Prin mărcile și tehnologiile noastre inovatoare și sustenabile, cu ajutorul echipelor noastre din întreaga lume. Henkel deține poziții de lider atât în domeniul industrial, cât și în cel al bunurilor de consum. Portofoliul nostru include produse de îngrijire a părului bine-cunoscute, produse de igienă personală și a locuinței, detergent de rufe, precum și adezivi, etanșanți și soluții funcționale pentru suprafețe. 

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Da, te rugăm. Deoarece Henkel este o companie internațională, vei lucra cu colegi din întreaga lume, iar limba engleză este limba oficială a companiei. În general, „regula” este: Te rugăm să aplici folosind aceeași limbă ca și anunțul jobului.

Fiecare post pe care îl avem deschis la Henkel este unic, iar găsirea candidatului potrivit este important atât pentru candidatul angajat, cât și pentru Henkel. Vrem să ne asigurăm că atât candidatul, cât și compania se potrivesc reciproc. Vom oferi feedback candidaților pe parcursul întregului proces.

Echipa noastră de recrutare te va ajuta cu toate întrebările referitoare la aplicația ta. Contactați echipa aici