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Data Protection Statement Recruitment
We at Henkel understand your need to maintain your privacy when searching for a job. Henkel is committed to protecting your privacy. We will use the information you submit to us via our application platform only for the purposes stated below.
1. Controller
Controller for processing of your personal data as described in this Data Protection Statement is Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstraße 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany
(henceforth “Henkel”, “we”, or “us”).
If you have any queries with regard to our processing of your personal data, please send an e-mail or a letter to our Data Protection Officer, c/o Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstraße 67, D 40191 Düsseldorf, Germany, E-Mail:
2. Collection of your personal data
We process your personal data when you apply for a position at the Henkel group or otherwise want to become part of our talent pool. If you apply for a position and/or create an account for our talent community, we will collect the following personal data from you:
We collect this personal data directly from you when you apply for a position with the Henkel group, during the applications and selection process (for instance, during (video) interviews), or when you express your wish to become part of our talent pool to stay in contact for future recruitment purposes (for instance, by checking the respective checkbox during your application process). Data fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required for conducting the application and selection process, addi-tional information can be helpful for this process depending on the position you apply for.
We may also collect your professional information via LinkedIn that you have made public in order to approach you for a job offer.
3. Processing of your personal data and legal basis
We process your personal data for the following purposes:
We process this personal data in order to conduct the application and selection process, if successful employ you, and to make you part of our talent pool and provide you with its services, Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR.
All your applications and their status will be visible to our recruiters and selected HR Managers for transparency in the selection process.
We will store your general application profile for 12 Months after your last update.
If you apply for a position in the USA or Puerto Rico, we will retain your application for 36 Months in order to comply with local requirements to document the application and selection process, Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR.
If you apply for a position in Indonesia, we will retain your application for 60 months in order to comply with local requirements to document the application and selection process, Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR.
We also process your personal data for our talent pool by:
We process your personal data for these purposes based on your consent, Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR. We will ask you for your consent either directly during the application and selection process, via e-mail, or when you fill in a form and tick a respective check box. You can withdraw your consent by using the settings in your account area at any time or delete your account at any time. You may also contact us via the contact information provided above to let us know that you wish to withdraw your consent. We will then stop processing your personal data to send you such information. This does not make the processing previous to your withdrawal unlawful.
We will store your talent pool profile for 24 Months after registration for the talent pool or your last update of your talent pool profile. You can also delete your talent pool profile along with all your personal data connected to it at any time by logging into it and using the option for deletion.
We will also process your data within the recruitment process for some positions in the course of a video interview. Please be aware that video interview will always be an optional step within the recruitment process. By rejecting the terms & conditions of Video Interview you will continue being part within the overall recruitment process.
For matters of technical support, your personal data might be accessed from HireVue technical sup-port team which is located in the US.
We process your personal data for these purposes based on your consent, Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR. We will ask you for your consent with regards to data access for HireVue technical support team before starting the video interview / collection of data. You can withdraw your consent by contacting us via the contact information provided above to let us know that you wish to withdraw your consent. We will then stop processing your personal data to send you such information. This does not make the processing previous to your withdrawal unlawful.
Please find further information on how HireVue technical support team could access your data:
Potential risks of data transfer might be related to illegitimate access, loss of data or undesired modification of data
All applicants for North American jobs (no matter which nationality) will have to go through a back-ground check prior to any contract signature in line with North American regulations.
Background check is an indispensable tool for spotting candidates who pose as legitimate threat to an organization based on past behavior. In fact, background checks often are the best defense against negligent hiring and retention claims. Employers can protect their brand, reputation, customers, em-ployees and guard against financial loss
A major reason to conduct background is to avoid harm or legal liability of various types to the em-ployer or to others. This includes harm to:
4. Transfer of your personal data to other parties
In Henkel’s capacity as the mother company of the global Henkel group of companies, we will share your personal information with other Henkel offices or subsidiaries around the world in such countries for which you have registered your application, including countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, which might not provide the same level of data protection. All such entities are subject to this Data Protection Statement and further measures to secure an appropriate level of data protection that is equivalent to the one of the European Union, such as the conclusion of Stand-ard Data Protection Clauses as issued by the EU Commission pursuant to Art. 46 sec. 2 lit. c GDPR. You can find all Henkel offices and subsidiaries on our website.
To conduct the application and selection process and provide our talent pool we also rely on external service providers, which are strictly bound by our orders and may not process your personal data for their own purposes. These act as data processors pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR.
In case of involvement of head-hunters or recruitment agencies, specific process-related information will be shared with the head-hunter / agency for this particular process.
5. Utilizarea modulelor cookie pe formularul nostru de candidatură
Acest site web utilizează module cookie și tehnologii similare. Modulele cookie sunt unități mici de date stocate temporar pe hard disk-ul dispozitivului dvs. de către browser și care sunt necesare pentru utilizarea site-ului nostru web. Un modul cookie include adesea un identificator unic care este un număr generat aleatoriu și stocat pe dispozitivul dvs. Unele expiră la sfârșitul sesiunii dvs. pe site-ul web; altele rămân pe dispozitivul dvs. pentru mai mult timp. Modulele cookie necesare din punct de vedere tehnic vor fi utilizate automat. Alte module cookie (sau tehnologii similare) vor fi aplicate numai în baza consimțământului dvs. anterior.
Mai specific, utilizăm module cookie și alte tehnologii de urmărire în următoarele scopuri:
Module cookie strict necesare
Denumirea modulului cookie | Scopul modulului cookie | expirare | Furnizor | Domeniul modulului cookie |
amplitude_id_a328ec1895 | Modulul cookie Amplitudine este utilizat pentru a face diferența între utilizatori și a furniza informații în caz de depanare și pentru a îmbunătăți portalul și utilizarea acestuia. | 300 de zile | Cornerstone | |
ASP.NET_SessionId | Acesta este un modul cookie necesar pentru încărcarea paginilor pe bază de ASP. Fără acest modul cookie, site-ul nostru web nu va funcționa. Acest modul cookie conține identificatorul unic al sesiunii. Acest modul cookie nu conține informații cu caracter personal. | Sesiune | Cornerstone | |
AWSALB | Acest modul cookie este utilizat pentru a gestiona echilibrarea sarcinii în mediul centrului nostru de date | 7 zile | Cornerstone | |
AWSALBCORS | Acest modul cookie este utilizat pentru a gestiona echilibrarea sarcinii în mediul centrului nostru de date | 7 zile | Cornerstone | |
cscx | Acest modul cookie îi oferă sistemului de monitorizare a performanței globale 24x7 statistici regionale pentru a ne asigura că paginile noastre se încarcă rapid și consecvent. Acest modul cookie conține numele portalului pe care v-ați conectat și un identificator care reprezintă un utilizator conectat. | Sesiune | Cornerstone | |
Module cookie de analiză a vizitatorilor
Aceste module cookie pot fi configurate pe site-ul nostru web de către noi și/sau partenerii noștri de servicii, inclusiv de companiile de social media. Acestea pot fi utilizate pentru a construi un profil al intereselor dvs. pe baza informațiilor de navigare colectate de la dvs. atunci când vizitați un site web, care include identificarea unică a browserului și/sau a dispozitivului dvs. internet și afișează pentru dvs. conținut sau anunțuri relevante pe site-urile noastre și pe alte site-uri. Site-ul nostru web utilizează butonul tip plugin „Apply with LinkedIn” (Candidați cu LinkedIn) sau „Partajați”, iar dacă interacționați cu acest plugin de exemplu făcând clic pe „Candidați”, pluginul va utiliza modulele cookie pentru a vă identifica și a iniția solicitarea dvs. de a candida. Dacă nu permiteți aceste module cookie, veți primi mai puține anunțuri publicitare țintă.
Denumirea modulului cookie | Scopul modulului cookie | expirare | Furnizor | Domeniul modulului cookie |
JSESSIONID | Utilizat pentru protecție împotriva atacurilor de falsificare a cererilor între website-uri (Cross Site Request Forgery – CSRF) și pentru validarea semnăturii URL. | Sesiune | | |
lidc | Pentru a facilita selectarea centrului de date | 24 de ore | | |
li_gc | Utilizat pentru a stoca consimțământul vizitatorilor cu privire la utilizarea modulelor cookie în scopuri neesențiale | 6 luni | | |
bcookie | Modul cookie de identificare a browserului utilizat pentru a identifica în mod unic dispozitivele care accesează LinkedIn în vederea detectării abuzurilor pe platformă și în scopuri de diagnosticare | 1 an | | |
bscookie | Utilizat pentru a reține că un utilizator conectat este verificat prin autentificarea cu doi factori și că s-a conectat în trecut | 1 an | | |
lang | Utilizat pentru a reține setarea de limbă a utilizatorului pentru a asigura faptul că este afișat în limba selectată de utilizator în setări. | Sesiune | |
6. Use of cookies on our Talent Community Landing Pages and Registration Portals
Henkel Talent Community Landing Pages and Registration Portals use some cookies which are essential, as they enable you to move around the portal and use its features, such as accessing secure areas, allowing multiple applications without re-entering information, or using connections to social networks to apply.
Essential cookies used in portals
For how long are cookies stored?
You can find more information on the Cookies and other technologies used by our website and their purposes on our website under “Cookies” and “Cookie settings”. There, you can also withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by disabling the respective cookie setting.
7. Your rights as a data subject
As a data subject, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:
You also have the right to object to the use of your personal information in certain circumstances. For example (i) where you have grounds relating to your particular situation and we use your personal information for our legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR (or those of a third party); and (ii) if you object to the use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
You can also easily access, rectify, and erase your data, as well as withdraw your consent by logging into your general application profile or your talent pool profile. You can also delete your general application profile and your talent pool profile at any time.
Also, you may exercise your rights by contacting us via the contact details disclosed above.